Our Projects
Experimental details of the first study in the RMR program are now available, along with an outline of the planned second study.
A primary focus of LEV Foundation's work is to empirically demonstrate the feasibility and value of the divide-and-conquer approach to treating age-related disease - that is, the simultaneous deployment of therapies that independently address the distinct classes of damage that accumulate in aging bodies. With a steadily increasing number of such therapies now showing benefits in both pre-clinical and clinical studies, there is an urgent need to determine which combinations can already yield synergistic benefits in living organisms.
In partnership with Ichor Life Sciences, we'll be conducting large-scale mouse lifespan studies of such therapeutic mixtures. To ensure the results of these studies are rapidly translatable to humans already in middle and old age, this program will focus solely on late-onset interventions - excluding for example genetic modification and techniques effective only in the context of life-long application. Similarly, and again in the interests of driving real-world clinical progress as swiftly as possible, therapies that do not fit the strict damage-repair heuristic will be considered for inclusion in cases where the evidence for their value is sufficiently compelling.
We anticipate that this program will deliver dramatic results both in scientific terms, and in illustrating to the general public the extraordinary potential of comprehensive rejuvenation medicine.
Although the damage-repair approach to preventing and reversing age-related disease will ultimately be most efficiently accomplished at the level of molecular and cellular changes, it's widely acknowledged that the range of therapies required to accomplish such nuanced rejuvenation are unlikely to become available to patients in the near term. Conversely, the breakneck pace of current progress in the field of tissue engineering suggests that the production of genetically matched, biologically youthful whole organs able to replace those labouring under the weight of aging-induced deterioration may be feasible considerably sooner.
Of course, maintaining living tissues outside the body for extended periods is highly non-trivial, and so ensuring that such replacements can be available at the exact time they're needed is a daunting prospect. To eliminate this constraint we're funding work at Keinice Bio, whose groundbreaking cryopreservation technology employs ultra-cold helium gas in lieu of traditional liquid perfusates. This method results in vitrification so rapid that no biologically significant ice crystal formation occurs, whilst also avoiding the toxicity associated with traditional cryoprotectants - and thus stands to enable true "off-the-shelf" organ replacement.
Advocacy & Education
We're a major supporter of the Alliance for Longevity Initiatives, the first and only 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization founded with the goal of creating social and political action around the issues of combating age-related chronic conditions and increasing our number of healthy, disease-free years. A4LI works with healthcare leaders and experts in the geroscience and regenerative medicine fields to drive awareness of the potential of longevity research amongst US government officials, and promote national-level support for the extension of healthy lifespans.
Dr. de Grey has been instrumental in the establishment of the Healthspan Action Coalition - a major new non-profit organization overseen by Bernard Siegel, executive director of the Regenerative Medicine Foundation and founder of the World Stem Cell Summit. The Coalition has recruited a leadership team of dedicated advocates who have an established track record of effectively advancing public support for fields of advanced therapies, regenerative cell therapies and enabling technologies. Central to HAC's formation is the recognition that virtually all diseases involve rapid premature aging, taking years off people's lives, and that the underlying cause of most widespread diseases is the aging process itself.
Longevity Summit Dublin
LEV Foundation and Longevity Events Ltd. hosted the global longevity and rejuvenation community in Dublin on August 17-20, 2023.
With a roster of speakers including George Church, Brian Kennedy, Steve Horvath, David Sinclair and many more, it’s no exaggeration to state that the second edition of the Summit was the most important longevity event to take place in the EU this year.
Attendees networked with leading figures around the world, built relationships with the longevity science industry and community, and learned about the latest emerging research.
Special thanks are due to Maxwell Biosciences, Ichor Life Sciences, and the other sponsors who helped make the event such a success.
Stay tuned for updates on everything we discovered!
The 2024 Summit will take place on June 13-16. Book your place now!
Through Methuselah Foundation Dr. de Grey supported the inaugural conference of AfroLongevity, conceived to kick-start research and activism on longevity across Africa, in 2022.
LEV Foundation was proud to continue that support in 2023 as a sponsor of the first International Longevity Summit in Africa, held on August 23-24 in South Africa.