Robust Mouse Rejuvenation - Study Updates
Below you’ll find regular reports, authored by LEVF Chief Science Officer Dr. Aubrey de Grey, published to keep our supporters up to date on the progress of our landmark Robust Mouse Rejuvenation study: the first attempt to detect synergistic benefits of various combinations of treatments, each of which has existing evidence suggesting the potential to extend healthy lifespans.
December 30th, 2024
Just four mice have made it to 2025 (yeah, I'm 55 hours optimistic there...), all of them male, and once they die I will launch into the next phase of updates, which will consist of lots of statistical analyses of the survival curves, followed by various reports on our healthspan data. For now, though, I will continue the habit of highlighting some of the qualitative impressions that the survival curves are telling us.
October 6th, 2024
The milestone we have hit this time is that all 20 groups (10 male and 10 female) have now reached their last "cull point", i.e. the point where only eight mice of the original 50 are alive and we sacrifice two of them to store various tissues, as well as doing a lot of the non-invasive measurements on the others...
August 17th, 2024
We're getting fairly near to the end of the study - but how near, we certainly can't yet say. Six of the 20 treatment groups, two male and four female, are now extinct, but the all-treatment groups of both sexes are still at 25% survival at over 35 months of age, which gives hope that the longest-lived mouse in the entire study will turn out to be fairly impressive...
June 29th, 2024
This update marks a milestone, namely that one treatment group of each sex has now entirely expired. For males it's the group getting only telomerase, and for females it's the group getting everything except rapamycin…
May 7th, 2024
The survival curves continue to provide tantalising but preliminary information. Particularly exciting is how long the all-control group took, measured from the start of the study, to reach the survival percentage that the all-treatment group is currently at…
March 31st, 2024
I mentioned last time that we were around the peak of absolute rate of death per week, and that this means there is expected to be a lot of noise at present, with groups changing places a lot in terms of proportion surviving. That's very much still true this month, as you can see…
March 6th, 2024
Herewith RMR update #12! Nothing dramatic to report this time; we are at that tantalising phase where lots of mice are dying but not quite enough has happened to allow any firm conclusions. I've bitten the bullet and extended the plot area down to 0% survival - it seems like the right time to do that…
February 3rd, 2024
I have seen (with great pleasure!) the rising recent interest in the survival curves as they have progressed to tentative interpretability. The story is basically unchanged this month…
December 22nd, 2023
Here's RMR1 update #10, just in time for Christmas!
I don't have anything big to report this time other than updated survival curves, so let me instead start by highlighting that we have now posted a description of RMR2, the second in this series of mega-studies…
November 5th, 2023
First, please see the survival curves, which are definitely approaching the stage where we can draw tentative conclusions concerning average lifespan. What we won't be able to do for a good six months yet, probably more like nine months, is speculate even tentatively about maximum lifespan…
September 5th, 2023
Right, first the survival curves. Here's the latest. With each month that goes by it'll become more and more tempting to extract conclusions from the data, but for now I want to make very clear that nothing whatsoever can yet be concluded…
June 27th, 2023
I promised last time that the next update would be the first to include survival curves, and I am a man of my word, so here is where things stand as of a couple of days ago…
May 30th, 2023
The first thing to report this time is that all three of the one-time treatments are now complete, for all treatment groups.
May 1st, 2023
Cohort 3 (i.e. treatment groups 6 and 7) have now had all their treatments. These groups are the first ones to receive telomerase gene therapy…
April 11th, 2023
This past weekend saw the induction of the final 300 mice into the study. These mice, which constitute "cohort 4", comprise the last three of the ten treatment groups…
March 27th, 2023
Yesterday we started the treatment of cohort 3, which consists of 200 mice, 100 of each sex. The two treatment groups within this cohort are numbers 4 and 6 in the project description…
March 12th, 2023
Yesterday we started the treatment of cohort 2… there's plenty to say about each of these, so let me dive in.
February 26th, 2023
Here's the first update on the "Robust Mouse Rejuvenation" study that LEVF is funding at Ichor Life Sciences in Syracuse.